12938 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, Inverness, California 94937, United States
Head out to the Lighthouse and look for whale spouts. Spouting is the most common behavior viewed from land. This is where the whale is surfacing for a breath. Contrary to popular belief, they are not releasing water. The spout spray is their very warm breath meeting the cooler ocean air, similar to when humans’ breathe on a cold winter day. The warm breath condenses into water droplets and will be visible for just a few seconds. On windy days, whitecaps on the ocean's surface and spouts can be difficult to tell apart. Therefore, whale watching conditions are best when there is little to no wind.
The shape of the whale spout can help identify the species that you are viewing. Gray whales will have a short, heart-shaped spout, while humpback whales will have a taller, straighter spout.
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